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R. Mark Kudron Hathorn
Archaeological Field Technician

R. Mark Kudron Hathorn

Mr. Hathorn joined GSRC in 2020 and has served as an archaeological field technician for five years. He graduated with a B.A. from the University of Southern Mississippi with training in archaeological field methods and archaeobotany and is a registered archaeologist. He has been involved in a number of Phase I and Phase II cultural resources management surveys to document and preserve artifacts and sites of cultural importance while obtaining skills such as prehistoric and historic site evaluation, excavation, artifact analysis, and report preparation. Mr. Hathorn has conducted fieldwork in various types of environments throughout Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, and Texas. He has assisted in work with governmental agencies at the local, state, and Federal levels giving him a good understanding of Section 106 compliance of the NHPA. Mr. Hathorn has a familiarity with prehistoric archaeology of the Lower Mississippi Valley, with an interest in cultural analysis of plant remains.

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