Ross Hackbarth is an ecologist specializing in vegetation assessment, wetlands, and floral inventories. Mr. Hackbarth has 9 years of experience in habitat analyses, ecological restoration, and NEPA documentation for numerous projects throughout various regions of the United States. He has participated in habitat restoration projects including northern California coastal dune systems, southern California scrublands, midwestern tallgrass prairies, and Cuban cactus forests. Mr. Hackbarth has been the lead author of vegetation management plans for a California vernal pool system, Naval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay’s natural areas, and California mixed chaparral scrub revegetation.
Mr. Hackbarth has provided assistance in the development of NEPA documents including Environmental Assessments (EAs) and Section 404 nationwide permits. He has performed field surveys for threatened and invasive species populations in preparation for habitat management planning, including mapping seed collection sites for re-plantings. Additionally, Mr. Hackbarth has experience in native plant nursery and greenhouse operations, wildlife surveys, wetland delineations, and construction monitoring standards and regulations.